The first green light.. Episode 18

Pavan was waiting for that reply back from the past 20 mins, though her status was Image result for Boy waitinggreen all the while, Ananya wasn’t probably in the mood to ping back her new follower! He had finished checking up on all his unread newsletter emails, cleaning up his mailbox – yea, Pavan didn’t have a lot of emails needing attention, I am sure you have guessed it by now! Having spent lot of time Pavan gave up on a reply and a disappointed himself thought of shutting out and calling it a day, just when a sound buzzed on the laptop and the window started being highlighted.. He quickly opened the window to see a pop up window in the right bottom corner saying…

Ananya: Hi

A perplexed Pavan on what should be his reply, went ahead with the standard without any delay..

Pavan: Hi, how are you?

Wondering if she is going to take similar time as the first one to reply back.. but she was quick this time

Ananya: m dng well, hw bout u?
Pavan: Very well thank you

Knowing that it was ‘her’ chatting, Pavan was keen to maintain the decency in the chats with full use of the written english language as compared to the cool chilled chat lingo by Ananya.

P: Thanks for acknowledging the friend request here.
A: no worry, i knw who u r

Eyebrows raised with the statement, Pavan was keen to know how was that.

P: Surprising to know that, how do you know me?
A: lol, we wrkd fr d sam co, i saw ur linkd profile – well ya i knw somthn bout ya
P: Yea of course, that’s how I added you on linkedin, its good to know you here as well.
A: Yea, gd to knw u too

A silence gripped on the chat as Pavan wasn’t sure of how to take the conservation ahead – asking anymore questions would be like invading privacy on the first chat itself, neither can it be like asking any other stuff – can make it too boring! To keep it going and realizing that it was about 1 am in the night he posted one question just to see if he can get any reply..

P: How come you are still online and awake, isn’t it pretty late?

For a moment, Pavan thought it was a little overboard for the first chat, but some things can’t be undone, can they?
After a brief pause came a reply..

A: Na, nt really, it’s my usual time to be online

Well, it isn’t common to be online at 1 am unless someone has real good interests to stay online, thought Pavan, like he did for now. Does she have a boyfriend? is she committed – maybe she has some very good friends whom she chats with so late. A Thousand things went through the train of thought but he had to wait sometime to be able to unearth these details..

Next, he saw was the green light turning grey.. indicating that she had gone offline! A disappointed Pavan, didn’t get a chance to say a goodbye and turn the first chat memorable! 
He optimistically said to himself that after all ‘it wasn’t a bad start’. A smiling Pavan went off to bed with these running thoughts..

Lights off..

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